Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

     Watch out for the beasts! The book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is now coming to life! You can find this book in the pack of books that says, "Hogwarts Library." It has an intro, which takes up about one third of the book's pages. The rest is a guide. But, the movie is not a guide. It takes you on a journey of a wizard taking a thrilling trip to New York, encountering strange creatures. All the people are wondering how he does all this.

     The movie is coming in November of 2016. I first found about it at the Kenner movie theater, which had amazing seats. I was watching "Jungle Book." In the previews I saw my first Harry Potter preview. It was hilarious to me because before I watched the preview, I said,"If it does not have Helena Boham Carter or Alan Rickman or is Harry Potter, skip it. In the beginning I told my sister that I could have sworn I heard "Hogwarts." I but the footrest thing on the chair up, and sat on the tip of my seat. I knew there was another Harry Potter to look foward to.

     Immediately,  I thought about what I would write in this post. So, get your wand ready for this November.

     About a week ago, I saw this movie. I loved it. Although it is not at all what I expected, it was great. At the end, I froze when I saw Johnny Depp. Sammantha Morton plays Ruby in a show I used to watch. She was Mary Lou. Newt Scammender goes to New York. He is trying to get a beast back to London.

Friday, March 11, 2016


     Ginny is Ron's sister in Harry Potter. She got sorted into Gryffindor in her first year. She is a year younger than Harry and Ron. Ginny was known to be confident, caring, and brave. Ginny had six brothers and was the only girl sibling. That must have been tough for her.



   When Ginny grew up, she married Harry Potter. You could see in the first movie and tell in the first book when they were leaving the train station. She always loved Harry. Ginny had three kids. She and Harry named them Lily Luna Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and James Sirius Potter.

                                                             Ginny's Wand

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Robin Hood

     Alan Rickman also acted in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. He is the evil sheriff named Sheriff Nottingham. He stabbed his brother for not killing Robin Hood. All Nottingham said was that the sword he used was good steel.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Tale of the Three Brothers

     There were once three brothers. They were traveling along a road at twilight. The brothers then came to a river to deep to wade through. These wizards were advanced in widardry. Simply waving their wands, a bridge appeared. Halfway across, a dark, robed firgure flashed in. It was death. He was angry he had been cheated, and he wanted to kill them straight off, for most people would drown in the deep water. But, death was cunning. He pretended to reward the brothers for being smart enough to cross. Death asked the three brothers what they wanted. The first brother, as selfish as he was, asked for a wand, so powerful to kill anyone he once hated. The Elder Wand was created. The second brother asked for a stone that he would use to bring back somebody he once treasured. The resurrection stone was born.  The third, youngest brother wanted a cloak he could walk around, without being seen. He got the Invisibility Cloak.

     These brothers went their separate ways. The first brother went to a pub, where he found a person he hated. He killed him. But that night, another person took the want and killed the first brother. Death took that brother for his own. The second brother came to a lone cottage. He went inside, and returned the woman he once loved. The woman felt she did not belong, and she wanted to go back. The second brother insisted on coming with her. Death took the second brother.

      Now, Death searched for the third brother for years, but he could never find him. Soon, the brother found death, greeting him as an old friend. He went with death, but before he left, he gave the cloak to his son. Death took the third brother.

Why am I Doing all these posts with Snape?

   The reasons I am doing so many posts with Alan Rickman or Snape is that I know a lot about him. I am planning to do the same thing with other characters and basketball teams.

Alan Rickman Dies

   Sadly, at the age of 69, Alan Rickman died from cancer yesterday. I was astonished because it was so close to his birthday. I was so sad when I heard this, for he was a great actor and gave so much advice  to the other people on set. Rickman really had a great personality, classified by the Harry Potter set and J.K Rowling. Rubert Grint was helped by Alan Rickman, and he used that ability throughout the movies. Alan Rickman was trying constantly or help others. ALWAYS remember Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman.